Do Not Be Afraid of a Solo Pilgrimage!
Catholic Passport is a place for you to dream, explore, follow, and plan your Catholic pilgrimage. Although many Catholic pilgrims default to traveling with a large group under the guidance of a professional pilgrimage company, some people are more attracted to solo travel at a more contemplative pace. It is such a gift to learn more about the Saints, pilgrimage sites, and prayers that enrich our Catholic faith.
“A pilgrimage evokes the believer’s personal journey in the footsteps of the Redeemer: it is an exercise of practical asceticism, of repentance for human weaknesses, of constant vigilance over one’s own frailty, of interior preparation for a change of heart. Through vigils, fasting and prayer, the pilgrim progresses along the path of Christian perfection, striving to attain, with the support of God’s grace, “the state of the perfect man, to the measure of the full maturity of Christ” (Eph 4:13).”
Where should Rose go next?

About Rose
Rose Coleman is a contemplative in action who delights in all things beautiful. Exuberant from her childhood, she is an elementary school teacher who learns so much from her students. Her adventurous heart has traveled many places—from circumnavigating the globe on a ship during college to some years in the convent as a religious sister. Rose enjoys being a writer for Blessed is She, praying with the Seven Sisters Apostolate, reading with her book club, and enjoying time with her family.
Rose has traveled on pilgrimage to
Lima, Peru
Vatican City
Rome, Assisi, Loreto, Netuno, Fabriano, Camaldoli, Florence, Siena, Monte Cassino, Italy
Einsiedeln, Switzerland
Canterbury Cathedral, England
The Holy Land- Israel and Palestine
Ephesus, Turkey
Patmos, Greece
Mexico City, Mexico
Leuven, Belgium
Echt, Netherlands
Krakow, Wroclaw, Częstochowa, Auchwitz, Poland
Cologne, Germany
Paris, Chartes, Alencon, Lisieux, Lourdes, Ars, Annecy, Lyon, Cluny, Paray-le-Monial, Blanot, Nevers, Tours, Velezay, Mont-St. Michel, France